104 research outputs found

    Розвиток етнографії в Наддніпрянській Україні наприкінці XIX – на початку XX століття (історіографічний аспект)

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    The researcher elucidates in detail the development of the Ukrainian ethnography (in a historiographical aspect) using the examples of the prominent personalities with their guiding works in this field. He makes a conclusion about the most important achievement of the ethnographers of a period ca. 1900s – the transition from the descriptive approach to the historically comparative method in the Ukrainian ethnography

    Описание города Нежина, его улиц и домов. Перепись населения по домам, составленная 15 февраля 1766 г. в городской магистратуре

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    Сьомий випуск наукової збірки “Ніжинська старовина” присвячений публікації пам’ятки середини ХІХ ст. – копії опису міста Ніжина 1766 року. Збірник містить публікацію тексту документу, супровідну статтю і покажчик географічних назв і топоніміки. Підготовка до друку, зауваження до тексту документа та покажчик топонімів і географічних назв С. Зозулі та О. Морозова

    Renewable Energy

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    This chapter presents an in-depth examination of major renewable energy technologies, including their installed capacity and energy supply in 2009 , the current state of market and technology development, their economic and financial feasibility in 2009 and in the near future, as well as major issues they may face relative to their sustainability or implementation. Renewable energy sources have been important for humankind since the beginning of civilization. For centuries, biomass has been used for heating, cooking, steam generation, and power production; solar energy has been used for heating and drying; geothermal energy has been used for hot water supplies; hydropower, for movement; and wind energy, for pumping and irrigation. For many decades renewable energy sources have also been used to produce electricity or other modern energy carriers

    Nieuwe centrales produceren aanzienlijk schoner dan hun voorgangers : vijf is wel erg veel

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    Vijf energiebedrijven hebben plannen om de komende jaren evenzoveel nieuwe kolencentrales in Nederland te bouwen. Dat lijkt erg veel, maar, zo werpen de bedrijven tegen, de bestaande installaties naderen het einde van hun technische levensduur. Bovendien produceren de nieuwe centrales schoner. 'Ze hebben een hoger rendement, en als tegelijk de oudere centrales worden gesloten, dan is het CO2-technisch positief.

    Rechte rug, geen slappe knieën

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    De VROM-raad bestaat tien jaar. Wie is de VROM-raad en wat doen de leden? Hoe ver reikt hun invloed

    Rechte rug, geen slappe knieën

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    De VROM-raad bestaat tien jaar. Wie is de VROM-raad en wat doen de leden? Hoe ver reikt hun invloed

    Techno-economic analysis of natural gas combined cycles with post-combustion CO2 absorption, including a detailed evaluation of the development potential

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    We performed a detailed analysis of the potential future costs and performance of post-combustion CO2 absorption in combination with a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC). After researching state-of-the-art technology, an Excel model was created to analyze possible developments in the performance of energy conversion, CO2 capture, and CO2 compression. The input variables for the three time frames we used were based on literature data, product information, expert opinions, and our own analysis. Using a natural gas price of 4.7 €/GJ, we calculated a potential decrease in the costs of electricity from 5.6 €ct/kWh in the short term to 4.8 €ct/kWh in the medium term and 4.5 €ct/kWh in the long term. The efficiency penalty is calculated to decline from 7.9%-points LHV in the short term to 4.9%-points and 3.7%-points in the medium and long terms, respectively. In combination with NGCC improvements, this may cause an improvement in the net efficiency, including CO2 capture, from 49% in the short term to 55% and 58% in the medium and long terms, respectively. The total capital costs including capital costs of the NGCC ware calculated to decline from 880 in the short term to 750 and 690 €/kW in the medium and long terms, respectively, with a decline in the incremental capital costs due to capture from 350 in the short term to 270 and 240 €/kW in the medium and long terms, respectively. Finally, the avoidance costs may decline from 45 €/tCO2 in the short term to 33 €/tCO2 in the medium term and 28 €/tCO2 in the long term